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Video on demand.

Bring Hollywood to your customers and guests on TV, with your own video library.

Ocilion Vo D Detail TV
Ocilion Vo D TV

Entertainment at your fingertips.

With our "Premium VoD Service", ocilion provides a cost-effective and straightforward way of offering your customers high-quality video on demand content. We take care of the entire technical and organizational process, including the automatic transfer of new films to your platform. All you have to do is to invoice your customers yourself.

Network operators

Bring Hollywood blockbusters into your customers' living rooms.

  • Cinema premieres at home (parallel to the cinema release - Premium video on demand).
  • Latest films shortly after cinema release (current).
  • Catalogue title (library).
  • Erotic films (adult content).
  • Marketing support.

Solution for Network Operators


Offer that certain something for your guests, with the latest films on demand.

  • Hollywood blockbuster 1-2 months after it has been released in cinemas.
  • Erotic films (adult content).
  • Pay-per-view (guest pay per view).
  • Free-to-Guest (free films for your guest).
  • Marketing support.

Solution for Inhouse

Cinema premiere in your living room.

We have put together a “Premium Movie Package” where your customers have the unique opportunity to see premieres of current cinema films in their homes. Later on, the films will appear again as "Current" in the ocilion video library. After pay and free TV premieres, the films are available as a "library" for retrieval.

Product Sheet

Ocilion Vo D Detail
Vo D Marketing Kollage

VoD marketing packages.

Make video-on-demand the driving force behind your IPTV offer. We can support you with basic and premium packages.

  • Social media and newsletter template.
  • Social media trailer and monthly highlight compilation.
  • Image material including image rights.
  • e-magazine with your logo.
  • Film highlights module for your website.
  • Contests and promotions.
  • Promotion of films and film packages.

Product Sheet

Glossary - what does this mean?

  • Video on demand: Films that can be called up digitally at the push of a button.
  • TVOD (Transactional video on demand): Films are billed individually and are available to watch for 48 hours.
  • Home release: Release window from which films are available to end customers in the video library.
  • Premium VoD: Films parallel to the cinema premiere.
  • Current: A film that can be seen 4-6 months after its cinema release.
  • Library: Slightly older films, available ~ 12-18 months after the currents (after free TV broadcast).
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Contact us directly.
Your contact person is:
Kristin Koepke

Contact us.